Storyline Projects
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Replacement for writing custom code. Plan to begin using as a foundation for research projects in case-based reasoning (see Do expert clinical teachers have a shared understanding of what constitutes a competent reasoning performance in case-based teaching? Genevie`ve Gauthier • Susanne P. Lajoie; and Reasoning Research Sandbox)
Tool pros / cons / recommendations?
Given the cost / learning curve: Purchase/train *if* there are many projects requiring interactive scenario/case-based practice. There are lots of tools that do low-level interactivity (drag/drop, matching, MCQ, etc.).
Can be augmented with JavaScript
Storyboards matter - saving you time and minimizing frustration
Given the amount of sophisticated "programming" that can occur, knowing your project specs (page-by-page) prior to development, reduces time spent re-doing slides. (Did I mention original creation of interactions is tedious and precise? Interactions *can* be re-used - a *template* warehouse is a great idea!!!)
PPTX files can be imported into Storyline BUT, with use of templates, rapid-prototyping in Storyline is an option...
Interactive Scenario Sandbox - These pages link to interactions in DRAFT form and still under development. Location of each scenario will change, once each is complete and ready for use.
Again, these are NOT ready-for-prime-time. As of now, lotsa broken links / functions in each.... NOT spell-checked or grammar-checked, yet...
Dental Therapy. Prep Clinic
There will be four self-instructional cases available from this interaction. These cases mimic the sort of cases students will be required to generate (as another activity in this course, and to be used as part of a board examination.
Request additional information
View radiographs
When answering questions, view additional radiographs or obtain additional information
Once user has responded to four questions, (s)he compares his or her responses to the responses of an expert.
Future Uses
May be supplemented with discussion forum (fora? fori?) in Moodle
Advanced Dental Therapy: Treatment Planning
View and read case information
create a phased treatment plan via text responses
view responses, create a Word doc containing the responses
Post Word doc in appropriate case discussion Moodle "Q & A" forum
Discuss with classmates (and instructor) in Moodle
Final "expert" analysis available after discussions have occurred.
Future uses:
May include self-instructional cases, with expert treatment plans for comparison
May use revised version for calibrating faculty who serve as reviewers of student-generated treatment plans during the board exams.
Deconstructing Research Articles
Read a specific research article
Review the article using a specified "review checklist"
Respond to specific questions via text response
Compare your responses to those of an expert
Future Uses:
Possible we may include students posting their responses within Moodle Forum for discussion/critique.
Additional Examples (Storyline web site): Storyline Showcase