
Below, please select from any of the three options presented below. This is a "legacy site," containing the documents and links used for a "Lab Wars" excercise that occurred during the Spring of 2011.



Option 1: Watch the Lab Wars Video!

Watch the entire "Lab Wars" video (12 min. and 25 second movie; requires Flash). The movie was created by personnel at Mississippi State University.

Option 2: Annotate the lab errors portion of the video!

  1. Access and follow directions at, "How to Use VideoANT: Creating Your First Annotated Video" (PDF document; you may want to open this document and have the resulting window lined up next to the window for VideoANT, opened in the next step)

  2. Open VideoANT to create your own annotated video. http://ant.umn.edu/
    and paste this URL for the video you want to annotate (into the box labeled, "URL"):


    The video may take several seconds to begin.

  3. After annotating your video and, then, receiving the "View your annotation" URL of your annotated video via e-mail, please complete the on-line evaluation and submit your annotation URL at - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YK5ZGMH


Option 3: See the annotated version of the lab errors video, created by the Biosafety Group!

Take a look at how the Biosafety Group at the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (DEHS) has annotated the video - http://www.islandwolf.com/research/lab-safety/lab-safety-annotated.html


Need help?

Understanding the activity - Claire Kari at karix001@umn.edu

Technical support - Richard Brown at brown123@umn.edu

Additional detailed directions for this activity: view the on-line video, "How to create an annotated video," Another version of this introduction, created by VideoAnt's developer, is available here: VideoAnt Tutorial 2009