Below, please select from any of the three options presented below. This is a "legacy site," containing the documents and links used for a "Lab Wars" excercise that occurred during the Spring of 2011.
Option 1: Watch the Lab Wars Video!
Watch the entire "Lab Wars" video (12 min. and 25 second movie; requires Flash). The movie was created by personnel at Mississippi State University.
Option 2: Annotate the lab errors portion of the video!
Option 3: See the annotated version of the lab errors video, created by the Biosafety Group!
Take a look at how the Biosafety Group at the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (DEHS) has annotated the video - http://www.islandwolf.com/research/lab-safety/lab-safety-annotated.html
Need help?
Understanding the activity - Claire Kari at karix001@umn.edu
Technical support - Richard Brown at brown123@umn.edu
Additional detailed directions for this activity: view the on-line video, "How to create an annotated video," Another version of this introduction, created by VideoAnt's developer, is available here: VideoAnt Tutorial 2009